Week 5 & 6 FIAT questions

1. Ally became a lot more brave. Especially with making friends and her writing.

2. My goal for the future is to be a successful interior designer or realtor.

3. I would give this book a 3.5/5 because I thought it was a good book but I like fantasy and funny books more so that is one of the reasons. I did think it was very relatable with being more brave and trying to find the courage.


Week 3 and 4 FIAT questions

1. The impossible becomes possible when Ally is gaining confidence, getting braver, and making friends.

2. Albert is being bullied for what he is wearing. Ally makes him feel better by being nice to him, and cheering him up.

3. If you are being bullied, don’t be afraid to tell an adult or speak up to someone.